Profile: Pelagic Boats NZ

Profile: Pelagic Boats NZ

When you are young and straight out of school, you have certain ideas about what you’ll end up doing in your career. While most of us don’t have a full-fledged plan chalked out, we tend to have some goals that lead us to our first foray into the real world. But life...
Chasing holiday snapper

Chasing holiday snapper

Snapper are a fish that probably best reflect the often quoted adage that 10% of anglers catch 90% of the fish. If you want to score on snapper, you have to understand them; well, at least try because snapper are very enigmatical, especially so in holiday time such as...
Beetle bait for trout fishing

Beetle bait for trout fishing

Fly fishing is more often than not about thinking like the fish. It is about giving what they want, and in the case of trout, it is brown beetles. These bugs hatch in November and December, and while gardeners may curse them for stripping fruit trees, deep in the...
Turning the tide on marine pollution

Turning the tide on marine pollution

We live in a world of plastic: shopping bags, bottles, kitchenware, takeaway coffee cups. And much of this is steadily making its way into our marine environment. You do not have to look too far to see the effects. The beautiful beaches and the deep pristine New...
Getting started with drone fishing

Getting started with drone fishing

As with most things, sooner or later, technology is going to catch up with whatever you do. I started fishing Lake Taupo back in the early ’60s from a small dingy round the Western Bays. My father had only one net on his boat. My mate and I in the dingy, when either...