Hunting big gnarly boars

Hunting big gnarly boars

Good Friday 2016 will be a day Southland high country station workers Ryan Carr and Dan Keys will never forget. On a pig hunting trip, the duo got two boars – 270 and 348lbs. The second wild boar was of a size that is hard to imagine. After gutting, the animal weighed...
Saltwater fly rod sport with kahawai

Saltwater fly rod sport with kahawai

It’s that time of the year when kahawai come into river mouths, giving great sport to many Kiwi anglers. To the seasoned trout fly fisherman, it’s a chance to get superb sport on a fly rod. Kahawai is a Maori name, which means ‘brave’ or ‘strong’ (kaha) water (wai). ...
Wildlife watch

Wildlife watch

One evening a couple of years ago, Lloyd and I were hunting some South Island backcountry that featured some rocky outcrops – an ideal habitat for native falcon. As it was nesting season, it was not long before we were startled by the whoosh of a swooping falcon...
Trout flies: keeping it simple

Trout flies: keeping it simple

I recently read an excellent book What Trout Want by American-born Kiwi Bob Wyatt. He describes himself as a “hard-core presentationist and impressionist.” What he means is that his trout flies are not striving for exact imitation but only impressions suggesting an...