Anglers in their hundreds flocked to the iconic Canterbury high country to take part in the annual fishery opening with many anglers out on the water just after midnight on 7 November.

A combination of good weather before the southerly change hit meant anglers were able to celebrate this tradition with gusto.

At the annual Lake Coleridge fishing competition, more than 200 anglers entered the popular contest and many more came for the prize draw.

While it’s not necessary for anglers to catch a fish to enter the competition (anglers only need to present their licence to enter the prize draw), any fish that were entered were also analysed by Fish & Game staff to build up the picture of the state of the fish population in the high country.

Anglers go in the draw for thousands of dollars worth of prizes, provided by Christchurch Hunting and Fishing.

As well as recording weight and length, Fish & Game staff remove scales, otoliths, and stomach samples of selected fish caught for age and diet analysis.

The otolith is an ear bone in the fish, which, in simple terms, records the age and chemical signature of where the fish is from and can be analysed by Fish & Game staff to assist in the management of the fishery.

“The High Country is part of the uniqueness of the Canterbury Fishery. Nowhere else in the world do anglers get to fish in such beautiful scenery so close to a major population centre,” said North Canterbury Fish & Game CEO Rasmus Gabrielsson.

“These lakes are easy to get to and have healthy populations of fish that give anglers the chance to get a meal for the table with only a day trip from the city.

“These types of competitions also enable Fi​​sh & Game to gather lots of valuable data about the health of the fishery. We are able to assess things such as where the fish come from, how old they are, their condition – all of which helps us maintain and manage a sustainable fishery for all Kiwis.”

Angler Danny Pye from Cust Pye was rewarded with the heaviest fish landed during the day a 3.8kg brown trout from Lake Selfe.

“I’m always up here. Lake Selfe is my favourite lake,” he said.